Glow Stone Art


"Jigsaw Map" by Clara
"Night Sky" by Clara
"Pi" by Paul
"Iguana" by Neil
"Artoo" by Kaylee
"BB8" by Neil
"Greedo" by Neil
"Clown" by Neil
"Jedi" by Harry
"Tree" by Clara
"Snowman" by Clara
"Tulips" by Frances
To share your art with us, email a photo to:


If you need assistance with Glow Stone Art, or want to tell us about a bug or your idea for a new feature, send us an email at:

Privacy Policy

Glow Stone Art is a simple iOS app, intended as casual entertainment for children. It does not ask you or your child for any personal information nor collect any personal information. Appamajigger cannot look at nor collect any pictures drawn in Glow Stone Art.

Glow Stone Art does collect information for purposes of app maintenance and bug fixing, such as your device type, iOS version, and crash data. This information is collected via Apple-provided mechanisms that are built into the App Store. Apple ensures that this type of information is anonymous and cannot be traced back to you. For more information on how you can control iOS's sharing diagnostic information, such as crash data, with app developers, see:

Privacy Policy last updated on April 20th, 2021 [v1.2.0]